08th April 2020
During these uncertain times, the challenging question anyone faces these days is; When will this all get better? We at eMarketingEye, have put together some travel trends to help you closely monitor travelers’ search behavior, interest & demand. These travel trends are automatically updated on a daily basis to display the latest trends.
With the help of Google Trends we have identified patterns for variety of search terms that includes; destination + hotel, flights, OTA, world renowned hotel brands & top Sri Lankan hotel brand related keywords. Additional trends, amendments and information will be continuously added to further improve the data presented. Hence start monitoring these trends on a daily basis and be the first to identify any fluctuations or spikes on travel demand & interest.
Let this guide you to be ready and up to up to date on travel trends and prepare for better tactics and strategies.
Impact on APAC Region
“Travel demand in the APAC region saw a gradual decline in especially “Destination + Hotels” related search queries for various APAC destinations.”